Available Cincinnati Tours

Display Virtual Tour

No load value passed in URL

Code Usage:

<?php echo outputTourHTML ('tour_name', '[page|snippet]', '[target_div_id]'); ?>

URL Usage:


mode=page will output a complete HTML page and is the default.
mode=page defaults to 100% height and width.
mode=snippet is used to embed into existing pages, requiring a DIV with the id provided in the &target= portion of the URL.

Link Examples

Embedding Examples

<iframe id='embedding_example' width='100%' height='220' frameborder='0' style='border:0' src='https://tours.zavoodi.com/cincinnati/index.php?load=covington_riverwalk&amp;mode=page&amp;target=pano&amp;width=100%&amp;height=220'></iframe>